Tuesday 5 June 2018

Tips Apply dan Interview Biasiswa Undergraduate

Assalamualaikum and Hi!

First of all, let me introduce a little bit about myself. I am IIUM student, majoring in English for International Communication (ENCOM). I have been receiving scholarship since my first year and now I am in my final year. Gonna pursue my internship this June! Okay tu je.

Here I nak share sikit tips untuk apply scholarship. I apply scholarship during my first year first sem and next sem tu Alhamdulillah, I dapat.

1) Rajin search
Selalu la godek-godek kat internet ye. Sometimes uni korang maybe ada release annoucement jugak pasal scholarship, cuma korang la kena alert. In my case, Finance Department yang release waktu I first year first sem. That was my first try, nak jadi rezeki, I got it in one shot! Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal. Kalau orang send link kat Whatsapp tu, gatal-gatalkan lah jari click link tu. Kot la nak jadi rezeki kan? Siapa tahu.

Untuk students UIA, alert la ye pasal announcement Scholarship. Jangan la malas nak apply. Takde benda yang datang bergolek ye kawan-kawan. Yang I perasan setahun sekali mesti Finance ada keluarkan application untuk scholarship. Kadang-kadang kat portal iMaalum pun ada announcement scholarships.

2) Send a complete application
Sometimes apa yang company/ organization tu nak mcm renyah sikit kan. Contohnya dia nak confirmation letter dari university, nak forms yg ada sign Dean la apa la. Usaha sehabis baik untuk hantarkan okay. Jangan la buat cincai poncai. Urusan duit ni urusan serious, bukan senang-senang orang nak sponsor kita untuk belajar kan. Good things take time peeps!

3) Prepare yourself for Interview
Search soalan yang selalu ditanya untuk scholarship interview. Banyak je kat internet. My interview session went for almost one hour. I was extremely nervous but Alhamdulillah, everything went well. As for my case, antara soalan yang dia tanya:
 -What is the most important thing in your life?
 -Do you think money is important?
 -What is the one important value that you believe in?
 -What do you plan to do during your undergraduate studies?

Satu soalan yang buat I terkaku kejap adalah soalan berkaitan Farah Ann. Ni soalan berkaitan current issue, so guys ini penting okay! Make sure you tahu apa yang tengah berlaku sekarang whether dalam negara atau pun luar negara. Waktu tu kecoh pasal netizen marahkan Farah Ann sebab pakaian kurang sesuai sebagai seorang gymnast muslimah kan, tapi KJ sebagai Menteri Sukan waktu tu back up Farah Ann. So the interviewers ask me about my opinion about this issue as a Muslim. I was quite shock because the interviewers are non Muslim so whatever comes from my mouth will represent how a Muslim teenager thinks.

4) Be confident 
Train yourself on how to be confident. One of the way to gain confident is through our attire. Pakai baju yang menampakkan kita ni professional. I wore blouse putih, kain skirt hitam, shawl hitam and kasut bertutup. Plus, handbag and bawa file satu kat tangan. Boleh la baca tips untuk interview from another sources such as:




Kat first link tu dia ada cakap pasal practice. Yes, please do so. I practiced depan cermin, cakap dengan diri sendiri. Jawab FAQ regarding scholarship interview. Smile. Nervous memang nervous, but try to calm yourself okay.

5) Ask question. Show them that you are interested
At the end of the interview session, usually they will ask you if there is any enquiry or question that you have. Do ask okay guys! Tunjuk la yang kita ni berminat dengan company/ organization diaorang. Paling tak pun tanya la, apa yang company ni buat? Ramai ke penerima biasiswa dari university you yg berjaya dapat biasiswa ni? Apa yg diaorang expect dari students? Haa gittew..

Last but not least jangan lupa say thank you for their time sanggup interview you. Some tips that I read suggest us to do some appreciation post kat social media and mention their company. Betul jugak la. Untuk tunjukkan yang kita sangat berterima kasih dan menghargai masa yang diaorang spent untuk belek-belek maklumat kita, call set interview, then interview session tu lagi.

Kalau dapat alhamdulillah. Yeay! Semua orang yang pergi interview mesti la nak dapat kan, mana ada orang pergi dengan harapan tak dapat. Or at least, sebab nak kan pengalaman interview tu kan. But still kalau tak dapat jangan la cedey cedey. Namau cedey okiee. Try la apply yang lain. Banyak interview yang korang pergi, banyak pengalaman yang korang dapat timba kan. Penting semua tu untuk masa hadapan, contohnya interview kerja. Lain company, lain style and strategy diaorang guna untuk interview candidates.

For those who are wondering how much Kuok Foundation give us, it is RM6000 per semester. Duit tu I simpan sikit-sikit then pergi exchange program kat Korea. Hehe. Boleh la baca pengalaman exchange I kat sini: Pengalaman Exchange Enyscha ke South Korea

Boleh la pi google Kuok Foundation and apply for those who are interested. Ada tarikh buka and tutup dia tau. Another scholarship that I would like to suggest is Wilmar. Try la google. Banyak jugak dia bagi satu sem, RM6500 ke RM7000 macam tu, sama mcm Kuok, biasiswa depends on your course.
Get-together organized by Kuok Foundation. Majority of the awardees are Chinese.

Step lepas dah dapat biasiswa ni sangat mencabar tau guys. You kena pi terminate PTPTN, cari guarantors, maintain CGPA and so on. Tapi ingat lah, nothing comes easy! InsyaAllah kita belajar betul-betul, Allah akan tolong. I think that's it for this time! Jangan takut untuk cabar diri kita. Give it a try because you won't know until you reached it. Jangan pandang rendah kat diri kita, okay?

!مع السلامة


  1. Assalamualaikum sister, slalunya kan Kuok ni bukak application dalam bulan berapa ya. I'm a Uitm student starting my first sem in March. So I rlly need some assistance in financial. Thank u so much.

    1. Waalaikumussalam sis. It will be opened started on 13th March 2019. Rasanya dalam sebulan or a few weeks je dia buka application tu. Sis always check dekat website Kuok Foundation ye.

  2. Hello sis. Nak tnya ur iv sllau kt. Office dorg tu area mana. The address

  3. Office diaorang dekat sebelah Shangri La Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. UBN Tower, level 16. I pernah g sekali je untuk interview. Other events diaorang selalu buat kat hotel.

  4. oh my god, just discover that i was in your photo! haha

    1. Hahaa really? We must be groupmates! Btw did you attend the latest Kuok get-together a past few months?

  5. Assalamualaikum sis. Saya dapat tawaran interview from kuok foundation. Macam mana kita nak tahu interview tu untuk scholarship or loan?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Awak kena attend dulu interview tu, then after that the committee members of Kuok akan decide either you'll be offered full scholarship or half loan half grant. They will call or email you later on.

  6. Assalamualaikum sis.. berapa lama keputusan interview akan kluar ya? n kalau dapat scholarship ni duit akan di transfer ke dlm akaun pelajar ka atau mcm mana?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. As far I can recall, tak lama pun Kuok akan get back to us the result. Lebih kurang sebulan after iv dia akan call. Kalau tak terima any feedback, consider our application tu failed.
      Kuok akan transfer ke Finance University. Lepas uni tarik some for study fees, within one week dia akan transfer ke acc student.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Salam. Masa interview kuok ni ada kena buat essay or exam? Any other tips for interview? Thank you.

    1. Wsalam. Waktu I dulu takde essay or exam. Just interview face to face, which took place around one hour. The hardest part was when they asked critical thinking kind of questions. Contohnya, apa definisi kejayaan bagi awak? Duit tu dikira kejayaan tak? Pastu they keep on provoke u based on jawapan yg u bagi sampai la u rasa macam jawapan u tadi tu salah huhuu. They want to test your confidence level.

  9. Nak tanya bila akan dapat interview call atau email jika shortlisted ?

    1. I apply around March/April, then I dapat call utk attend interview on June. Then almost one month after interview..dia call confirmkan either I dah dapat other scholarship. Then dia inform that I was shortlisted.

    2. mereka call kamu dulu atau referee ?

    3. Diaorang ada contact referee before I dapat call utk interview. I put my mom as my referee and masa they called, I was there. They just want to confirm few things about your background such as parents' salary.

  10. salam sis.. yg dpt pggilan iv ni confirm dpt ka sd sis?? tp result akan tahu nanti smada dpt full biasiswa atau half loan??

    1. salam. Tak smestinya dpt call iv confirm akan dapat scholarship..depends on our performance waktu iv nanti macam mana. Result utk dapat full scholarship or half loan half grant tu dia akan bgtau once dia call utk inform yg kita dah succeed iv.

  11. as slm sis.. kuok bagi duit biasiswa ni mcm mn ya? kuok bagi half-half ikut semester ke atau kuok bagi sekali untuk setahun punya??

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Dia bagi ikut sem sis..meaning, twice per year.

  12. as salam sis..nak tanya iv dlm bi or bm

    1. Wsalam. Sorry for my late reply. Iv dalam English. Fully English.

  13. Just nak share my experience sebagai someone yang dapat scholarship from Kuok Foundation even though it was 10 years ago 😆 I was from Upsi, Course TESL, batch 2010-2014

    How nak dapatkan biasiswa Kuok Foundation?

    1. First kena apply. Alert dengan announcement dari Kuok Foundation. Then apply

    2. They will call u utk dtg interview. Masa interview, please pakai formal. Baju kurung for muslim. Lelaki pakai kemeja with tie. Susun sijil dari yg latest ke yg plg lama. Susun sijil yg penting-penting sahaja

    3. Sediakan diri utk menjawab soalan. Kadang-kadang panel akan tanya isu-isu berkaitan course kita. Saya student pendidikan/bahasa inggeris, so isu yang ditanya banyak tentang pendidikan dan penggunaan bahasa inggeris dalam kalangan pelajar

    4. Panel yang interview ada 2 org. Fully conducted in English

    5. Soalan yang ditanya pada saya lebih kepada soalan peribadi- tentang family, tentang sekolah, tentang penglibatan saya dgn aktiviti koko di sekolah dan tentang universiti saya. Masa ni memang santai sangat. Panel siap cerita panel suka sekolah saya sebab sekolah tu banyak sejarah dan panel suka makan pau di Tanjung Malim, tempat universiti saya 😊 Masa ni kita boleh borak sekali dengan panel tapi kena ingat, ni interview. Jangan terbawa-bawa sangat

    6. Jawab dengan bijak. Walaupun BI kita kelaut, usaha je. Saya masih ingat panel puji saya sebab menjawab soalan dalam bahasa inggeris dengan baik. Kat situ kita dah bagi first impression yang baik dekat panel

    7. Jangan lupa ucap terima kasih kepada panel di atas peluang dipanggil untuk interview. Bukan senang nak dapat tau. Masa saya interview dulu ada 7,8 orang sahaja. 2 melayu dan lain-lain adalah dari bangsa cina dan india

    8. Kalau berjaya, Kuok Foundation akan bagi surat menyatakan yang kita berjaya dapat biasiswa @ grant @ loan

    9. Duit biasiswa akan dikreditkan ke akaun bendahari universiti masing-masing setiap semester. Selepas dah tolak yuran, baru universiti akan kreditkan pada kita. Masa diambil 3 minggu - 2 bulan setiap semester. Standby duit siap-siap utk survive sebelum daoat biasiswa sebab kita tak tahu bila biasiswa akan dikreditkan ke akaun kita. Ikut pada jabatan bendahari ipt masing-masing. Saya dulu naik turun jabatan bendahari jugaklah bertanyakan tentang duit biasiswa saya

    10. Zaman saya dulu (tak pasti sekarang masih sama atau tidak), saya perlu kekalkan pointer 3.5 ke atas setiap sem dan perlu update result exam dan CGPA setiap semester ke pihak Kuok Foundation menghantar email. Saya perlu attach sekali result exam. Mungkin sekarang dah tak perlu kot

    11. Kuok Foundation ada alumni. So alumni banyak buat event. Tapi kena bayarlah kalau nak join. But ok je kalau tak nak join

    1. Hi my Kuok awardee senpai!

      Seems like the procedures are still the same even though 10 years has passed. I joined get-together Kuok last two years and that was the latest event that I joined. Lepastu dah tak join dah event apa2 even online sebab tak sempat. How about you?

    2. Hii sorry nak tanya, part yg nak update result tu ada format tertentu tak? And email kat mereka guna email rasmi Kuok foundation ke?

  14. assalamualaikum, hai.. seems awak dah jadi alumni kuok awardee, ada sebarang syarat tak selepas tamat pengajian? macam kena kerja under company mereka ke

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Waalaikumussalam. Takde syarat apa pun. Kuok is very supportive towards their awardees. Waktu get together, dia akan asingkan students based on courses dan tiap course akan ada sifu masing2 yg dah kerja dalam bidang tersebut. Kebanyaknnya accountant, lawyer. Kena la take extra miles, ambil no fon sifu ke, follow company dia ke, minta recommendation utk kita apply kerja kat company dia

  15. Hello, I recently received email that says i have gotten the half loan half grant study award from Kuok. I found my guarantor from KL and I'm from Penang, can i know is the study award agreement to get the signature would be a tedious process ? I scared it might be troublesome for my guarantor to sign and parcel to me the document back and forth. Btw I'm so sorry for troubling you and thank you!

    1. Hi there. Yeah to be honest I found it to be quite troublesome but that's how it works when it comes to money and agreement. So yeah.. Just face the hassle once and continue your wonderful study with no regret. All the best!

  16. Hi sis nak tanya, kalau saya dapat biasiswa tu, then klau result merudum/kurg 3.0 gpa, kita kena bayar balik ke?

    1. Alamak sorry saya tak pasti pula yang ni. Rasanya dalam agreement ada mention dia akan terminate scholarship kita kalau tak fulfil requirements.

  17. Hi sis, nk tanya interview ni dalam bahasa inggeris atau dalam bahasa Melayu?

  18. hi sis, nak tanya mcm mana kita nak tahu kita diterima utk interview?


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