Monday 11 March 2019

My first year experience as a Master's student in IIUM (TESL)


This is my first post for 2019! 2019-year of instilling positivity! That is my motto for this year and hopefully it works. So far so good. There was a time when I fall apart but I believe that I need to keep going because I did not come this far, just to come this far! Ain't it?

I did not have any plan to further my study back then but who knows, right after I finished my internship, Allah opened my heart to continue doing Master. After a continuous discussion with my parents I decided to further my study in IIUM, the same place where I had my degree. Yes! I came back to the Garden of Knowledge and Virtue.

Procedure untuk nak apply Master was not that complicated. I applied online through e-admission IIUM. Kena upload a few documents such as degree scroll, transcript, SPM result, sijil berhenti sekolah and so on. 2 months after that, I received my offer letter. Oh not to forget, we have to pay RM100 for application fee.

Everything went smoothly. I taknak datang Taaruf Week, so I came early to settle down the hostel and to verify documents. For your information, ex IIUM tak kena ambil Arabic Placement Test (APT) and English Placement Test (EPT). For outsiders, yes you cannot skip Taaruf Week because there will be briefing about Celpad and what not. Penting guys!

I request nak stay Mahallah Asiah sebab I dah biasa. I suka toilet dia bersih dan besar. Basically, block postgraduate sama je macam undergraduate cuma bilik dia besar sikit, and each compartment ada pintu. Toilet still kat luar bilik, shared toilet, and dalam bilik ada sinki.  Kalau students degree takde pintu, tutup compartment guna langsir je.

                                              This is my room. Each room ada 4 compartments.

                                                              Ruang tengah bilik.

For those yang bukan dari kuliyyah Education, we have to take 3 prerequisite subjects.

  1.  Principles of Teaching
  2.  Practice of Teaching
  3.  Intro to Education
No worries, waktu ambil prerequisite subjects ni you guys boleh ambil core course dengan elective lain jugak. Maximum credit hour 15. Prerequisite subjects ni best sebab we learn started from the very basic. As a teacher, we need to have the knowledge of the subjects and also pedagogical knowledge (teaching approach) as well. Most Masters program yang UIA offer duration dia 2 tahun. For Kuliyyah of Education (KOED) Master in TESL ada 3 jenis:

  1. Fully research 
  2. Coursework with directed research
  3. Coursework with thesis (mixed mode)
I'm taking coursework with directed research. Basically, dia macam degree sebab you kena pergi kelas, ada assignment, presentation, group works and so on dan final year nanti you ada research macam FYP. I cuma mampu share based on my experience sebab I pun still in my first year. Uhukkk. Will update from time to time okay, InsyaAllah. So far apa yang I boleh cakap, as a postgraduate student you tak boleh lari or elak daripada research. I pun ingatkan I dah terselamat daripada research bila ambil coursework tapi I salah huhuuu. Some subjects even required us to publish our research. The first month of my Master journey was a disaster! I kept crying and doubting myself either I can do this or nor. I even have a thought of quit from my study, to some extent, but then I managed to pull myself together and now I am here, still struggling. I texted my seniors, asked for their advice. One thing that gives a big impact to me was when my senior said "postgraduate life is totally different than ug, its a lonely journey, it is also an opportunity for you to be a better human being, a better Muslim". I cried babe..sebab seriously rasa sunyi sangat-sangat. I mean, yeah I still kat UIA yg sama, environment yang sama but without my friends anymore. Postgrad ni semua orang macam bawa haluan masing-masing tau, takde nak berkawan sangat. My classmates baik-baik je, we joke around, talk about personal things tapi I tak rapat sangat macam mana rapat dengan kawan-kawan degree dulu. And not to forget sometimes you akan rasa ada barrier sikit sebab some of them are a way much older than you, dah bekerjaya and some of them even work as lecturers. Your class lecturer pun treat you differently and itu salah satu sebab yang I rasa down gila-gila awal masuk Master haritu. Lama-lama you tahu macam mana nak bawa diri, then okay lah. InsyaAllah. Pesanan I for those yang nak sambung study, istikharah dulu. Minta bantuan dan doa Allah tunjukkan the best paths for us. Kadang-kadang kita rasa macam kita boleh buat, tapi sebenarnya kita tak boleh, kita jatuh. Doa juga moga Dia pegang dan tetapkan hati kita. InsyaAllah, Allah pasti akan tolong hambaNya yang nak menuntut ilmu, kan? Kita yakin itu.

Try to join program or event conducted by postgrad centre by kuliyyah. Dari sini, kita akan dapat macam2 pengalaman dari sharing session senior. Study hack and stuff. I knew how to make petition for short semester fro Master's students, how to choose supervisor for thesis, how proposal defense is conducted, what subjects should not be taken together and other beneficial stuff based on the program conducted by postgrad society of Kuliyyah of Education.

Alhamdulillah, daripada postgrad hack by seniors ni juga la, I managed to approached my research supervisor during my first semester, submitted my concept paper in the same semester, which was quite advance actually, and I even working on my research yang dah 75% complete. Just nak touch up je lagii. I even presented my concept paper in front of Indonesian delegation, whereby most of them are PhD students and even lecturers. Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal. So point dia, jangan hanya fokus pada your work or thesis je. Blend in, mingle around, ask senior, borak2 dgn lecturers. Okay?

 The Indonesian delegation

After presenting my research paper

You can check the total cost and mahallah fee kat IIUM website because it keep on changing. So far untuk 2 tahun Master Coursework tahun 2019/2020, the total cost is RM5,800+ and Mahallah (hostel) RM1212.50 per semester. 
Ni list subject untuk Coursework TESL:

Pre-requisite subjects:

     1. Intro to Education
     2. Principles of Teaching
     3. Practice of Teaching

Core Courses:
  1. Research Methodology
  2. Qualitative Research Methods
  3. Advanced History and Philosophy of Islamic Education
  4. Educational Measurements Statistics
Specialized Courses:
  1. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching
  2. Meeting the Literacy Needs of ESL Learners
  3. Language Testing and Evaluation
  4. Design and Implementation of Educational Software
  5. ICT for English Language Teaching
  6. Instructional Media in English
Elective Courses:
  1. Cognition, Learning and Literacy Development
  2. Foundation in Multicultural Education in ESL Context
  3. English for Specific Purposes
  4. Syllabus Design and Materials Development
  5. Internship

(Update October 2021): Saya dah grad master! Alhamdulillah. I have wrote a short entry on what happened after my first semester, feel free to read:

(Update March 2022): Finally the long-awaited convo was conducted! I graduated with 2021 Best Master Student Award and 36th IIUM Valedictorian! Subhanallah Allahuakbar. All praises belong to Allah. Alhamdulillah. 


  1. Hi and assalamualaikum! Do you have any form of medium so I can reach you? If you don't mind, I have a few questions regarding encom to ask you. Thank you.

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Hi Bro Syahmi! Feel free to reach me through my email- Will help you as much as I could, InsyaAllah.

  2. Assalamualaikum..saya ingin bertanya macam mana nak buat payment untuk fee RM100. Mohon pencerahan. Terima kasih

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Thru online banking boleh, kat bank Muamalat pun boleh sis. Nanti dia akan minta reference numbers kat resit tu and kena uploas gambar resit.

  3. tq sis,sangat membantu

    nak tanya,ada tak.pengalamn transfer kredit dari universiti lain?

    kalau ambil part time,waktu dia macam mana ye?

    1. Transfer credit from Master ke from degree? Kalau from degree tak boleh..tapi utk prerequisite subjects boleh. One of my friend, dia degree bukan background TESL tapi dia pernah ambil subject teaching waktu degree, so dia skip satu subjek prerequisite Master.

    2. As for your second question, most classes start pukul 5petang sampai 8malam. Tapi ada juga kelas start pagi..utk kelas pagi, boleh guna budi bicara dengan lecturer and other classmates utk tukar kelas ke petang, after office hour.

  4. tq for your response.macam mana kalau transfer credit from university lain,dari master programme?

    ooo...ada juga ye,kelas malam.

    terima kasih

    1. I never come across anyone yang pernah transfer credit from other university from Master program. i would personally advise you to call IIUM Centre of Postgraduate Studies (CPS) +603 6421 4995 to confirm with them. CPS staff are very helpful and friendly as well.

  5. You are very helpful
    I hope you pass your study with flying colours.All the best

  6. Hi salaam sis, May I know if master's class is outside office hours? or same like UG class? Thank you.

    1. Wsalam sis. Usually classes are conducted after office hours, 5pm to 8pm, but there are some classes schedule during office hours as well, for example 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm. Usually, if there are students who are working, we'll discuss together with the lecturer and other classmates to change the class timetable. It is permissible.

  7. hi sis, how your study now ? Normally what time for classes ? morning or evening ?

    1. Hi sis. I'm currently in my final semester, and due to MCO we are utilizing online platform. Most of our classes starts from 5pm-8pm. But there are some classes starts at 9am-12pm, 2pm-5pm as well. If there are any circumstances (e.g.: working student), we will discuss together with our lecturer and other classmates to come out with a new class timetable, out of office hours

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Salam perkenalan aini. nak tanya, dulu saya degree bidang lain bukan bidang agama, boleh ke nak sambung Master of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage, Major in Quran dan Sunnah at IIUM? Or do I need to start from degree?

    1. Salam perkenalan. Boleh je awak. Saya pun degree asal communication, master education. Cuma first sem Master nanti, ada prerequisite subjects yg kena ambil and result dia either pass or fail je, takde grade.

  10. Assalamuaalaikum aini syahira nak tanya , semasa permohonan master untuk uia ni kan . Kena lampirkan surat taman belajar dan spm juga ke?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Ye betul kena attach surat tamat belajar and sijil spm wktu apply online.

  11. Assalamualaikum Sis Aini, I'm interested to apply for Master ni. Cuma tercari cari jadual kelas. Huhu just in case do you have any sources untuk saya tgk jadual tu? Sis ambil full time or part time? Sebab sy bekerja, so ingat nk tgk jadual dulu kot boleh adjust nk ambil full time or part time. Thanks in advance!

    1. You boleh tengok dekat IIUM Course Schedule

    2. Waalaikumussalam. Sis boleh google IIUM course schedule or guna link ni:

      Boleh tengok2 dlu subjects and day/time utk kelas. Utk postgrad, slalunya jadual flexible. Bole discuss dgn classmates and lecturers utk ubah schedule. Sy full time student btw and our classes xpernah fix as per scheduled, ada2 je ubah waktu or hari sebab consider students part timer :)

  12. Assalamualaikum sis, I really appreciate your posting ni, thank you so much. I have further question to ask:
    1) I nak tanya during enrolment day kita dah kena bayar terus full registration fee RM600, Mahallah and tuition fee ke sis? Boleh bayar on the spot at finance counter or we have to show receipts only?
    2) I have my degree at IIUM as well. For now i dah settle part admission and dah dapat offer letter. But I don't really know what to do next? Should I register terus for Mahallah for Sem 1 19/20 because I masuk October ni?
    3) You rasa better pergi taaruf week or not? Would I miss anything important if I skip that? and dapat stater kit right during taaruf?
    Really looking forward for your reply.

    1. Waalaikumussalam. First of all congrats sis! Welcome to postgraduate life!
      1) yes for the first semester, semuanya kena settle before sem officially start. Next sem tu baru mcm biasa, anytime throughout the sem tu boleh bayar.
      2) I haritu I p awal utk settlekan semua. Dah dapat offer letter, I pi finance bayar yuran, p Centre Postgraduate Study (CPS) utk collect all the starter kits (postgrad bag, file etc), p RSD utk book mahallah. Mahallah tu I rental 2hari before offical date utk students enroll masuk, sbb nak sangat mahallah Asiah and takut takde kosong.
      3) personally speaking, student uia xperlu pun g TaWe since kita dah tahu kat mana bangunan Azman Hashim utk buat matric card, dah tau psal finance amad smua tu. Utk PG briefing pun xde apa yg penting sgt. Dorang bgtau psal uia punya database utk cari research, function apa yg library ada and etc. Basically benda yg kita dah tau. Briefing kuliyyah better pergi sbb byk information yg dapat. Contohnya apa beza course kita dgn different modes (coursework, mixed mode, research), siapa academic advisor utk specialize kita and etc. Haritu dorang siap provide booklet time briefing kuliyyah which I used it until the end of my sem, sebab nak susun schedule nak habiskan Master one year and half. Very helpful la briefing kuliyyah.

  13. Salam saya nak tanya kalau nak ambik tesl kat uiam perlu ambik asasi apa ya? Apa road utk ambil tesl tu? Dari asasi sehingga master?

    1. Wsalam sis. Boleh ambil apa2 asasi yang English based mcm ENCOM or BENL sbb uia takde asasi tesl. Waktu nak masuk degree, apply utk ke course tesl. Nanti akan ada interview utk enroll masuk tesl.

  14. Assalamualaikum,nak tanya,kalau saya degree in Psychology,is it possible untuk saya sambung Master in TESL? Sbb ada cari pasal requirement untuk Master in TESL tapi still tak clear.Thank you.

    1. Waalaikumussalam yes definitely..boleh je sis. Cuma nanti perlu ambil subject prerequisites sebab awak takde basic teaching kan. Ada 3 subjects kena complete during your first sem.

  15. Assalamualaikum nak tanya.... Kalau daribukan kos edu master still boleh ambik edu kan... Kena mohon bayar 100

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Ye betul. First sem nanti ada kena ambil subjects prerequistes sebab dikira takde basic teachings.

  16. Assalamualaikum sis.. Ada ke master in edu but not tesl.. more to science part..paham tak maksud saya hahaha.. and saya from kulliyah of science, so saya kene amek prerequiestes subjects kan?

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Yes since you are not from edu, so you'll definitely have to take prerequisite subjects.
      Takde edu course sciences. Yang ada Edu specialize TESL, TASL, IT, counselling, islamic teaching, design and curriculum. Semua more to Human Science, not pure science.

  17. Assalamualaikum sis, nak tanya, kalau kita jd postgraduates student pon still boleh stay mahallah ke sbb ada certain U kan tak bg kolej dah

    1. Wa'alaikummusalam, Im also IIUM student final semester. Relying ion your question, postgraduated also can stay in Mahallah. There are special block for PG Students in Mahallah.

    2. Waalaikumussalam. Yes sis Amani is correct. Banyak hostel utk postgraduate yg uia provide. Each semester fee dia RM1212.50

  18. Assalamualaikum sis, saya nak tanya sekarng ni saya student semester 6 pengurusan sistem maklumat (degree) dekat Uitm and course saya amatlah berbeza dari Tesl dan education tpi saya amatlah berminat nak sambung master dalam TESL, do you think its possible tak sis?? Saya ragu sbb course sya jauh bebenar dr TESL dan education.

    1. Waalaikumussalam. Yes yes it is possible. I ada classmates Master yg dari course architecture, diet and science yg sambung master Edu. So it's normal and don't worry :)

  19. Wa'alaikummussalam sister, yes you can. Boleh baca requirements untuk sambung Master IIUM dkt sini . Hope it will help you

  20. Salam..nak tanya..master tesl ni ada by research ke?

    1. Waalaikumussalam sis. Yes ada, Master of Edu, specialize TESL, mode: fully research.

  21. assalamuaikum sis. sorry to bother you. i'd like to know if the rm 5,800++ is the total amount of fees that you have to pay for the whole 4 semesters ?

    1. Waalaikumussalam yes it is. It is affordable and considered cheap compared to other universities, isn't it? Since I stayed in the hostel, the total cost for my Master was around RM10K, hostel costed me RM1212.50/semester.

  22. Tq very much for your the sharing aini syahira. Banyak info saya dapat.

    1. Alhamdulillah. Glad to know my writings are beneficial to others. thanks!

  23. Tq very much for your the sharing aini syahira. Banyak info saya dapat.

  24. Assalamualaikum, I nk tnye if you're an alumni from IIUM, do you still need to provide 2 referees for the application? If yes, mind sharing the steps taken for the aforesaid? Thank you!

    1. Waalaikumussalam. As I can recall, no need to provide referees. Well, actually IIUM is quite lenient towards its alumni. For a firm answer, try to call Centre Postgrad Studies(CPS)

  25. Replies
    1. Hi. Degree dulu I ambil English for International Comm

  26. Assalamualaikum sis aini..boleh kita accept letter offer and after 1 sem tukar course lain( for postgrad student)?

    1. Waalaikumussalam yes boleh. Better call dan confirmkan dengan Postgrad Centre anyway, takut dia dah ubah policy. Google je CPS IIUM

  27. Assalamualaikum sis. Nak tanya yuran setiap sem untuk coursework berapa ya?

    1. and i'm planning to do as part time. boleh kan?

    2. Of course you can. The study duration is different for part-timer, which is 3-5 years if I am not mistaken.

  28. Assalamualaikum, nak tanya, for the elective courses do we need to register all the subjects that youve mentioned or we can pick 2 or 3 from the list? thanks in advance

    1. Waalaikumussalam. As for the elective courses, we have to choose 2 out of 5

    2. ouh okay thanks, is it the same with specialized courses as well?

    3. Not necessarily. As for elective, you can take from other courses as well. For instance, Counselling or Psychology.

  29. Assalamu’alaikum. Hye, saya tertanya if degree bukan edu and master edu, still boleh ke apply for spp?

    1. Waalaikumussalam kalau bukan degree Edu, tak boleh. Kena ambil diploma pendidikan dulu.

  30. Assalamulaikum, If before this I take my degree at ukm, susah ke kalau I nak sambung master di UIA, sebab I had read some blog yang kita kena cari referee and of course I tak kenal any lecturer there, can I know what I have to do?? sorry for asking this kind of question..


Finally! I graduated from my Master's Degree!

 Assalamualaikum all. I received lots of comments and email asking me about Master in IIUM. I feel overwhelmed with all the responses receiv...